Applegate organic ham
Applegate organic ham

On the other hand, as experts like Philip Howard at Michigan State University have noted, big companies tend to tinker with formulas to make them easier to mass-produce. Is the integrity of a smaller brand really compromised when it is bought by a big company? On the one hand, a Coca-Cola or a Campbell’s can increase the availability of natural and organic options. The natural question, of course, is whether or not this actually matters. Their ownership of once-independent brands isn’t a secret-but it isn't actively promoted either. Healthy, environmentally aware brands have seen huge sales growth in recent years, and big names like Coca-Cola, General Mills and Perdue all want a piece of the action. What many don’t realize, though, is that a lot of these “niche” companies are owned and operated by the very corporations many shoppers are trying to avoid. These alternatives cost more but people are willing to pay, in large part because they see these brands as being smaller, healthier, more responsible choices. Instead of Ball Park franks, they’re opting for Applegate Farms nitrite- and nitrate-free hot dogs.

applegate organic ham applegate organic ham applegate organic ham

Instead of Tropicana and Tostitos, they’re reaching for Naked Juice and Garden of Eatin’ all-natural chips. A significant (and growing) number of shoppers have spurned traditional food and drink brands in favor of “better” choices.

Applegate organic ham